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Q: How do the stage directions contribute to the story?
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The of a play is similar to the perspective and information you get from the narrator in a short story?

stage directions

Do stage directions include sleeping?

no stage directions are the directions or places on stage to stand or cross to.

Who does the audience get the stage directions of a play from in a short story?

The narrator acts as the stage director letting the audience know what action is going on.

The elements that distinguish a script from a regular story document include?

a cast list, setting, stage directions, and dialogue.

How can a reader recognize stage directions in a script?

Often stage directions are either italicized or in parentheses

What do well-crafted stage directions add to a play?

Stage directions speak for the playwright when they are absent. Well-crafted stage directions create the atmosphere and environment that the playwright intended. Stage directions dictate the actors position on stage, their mannerisms, and body language. It sets the tone and tempo of the play.

What is the stage without stage direction?

The stage without the stage directions is nothing!

Read the following section of stage directions from West Side Story What do you think the author intended you to learn from this information?

The stage directions in West Side Story often emphasize the tension and conflict between the rival gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, through their movement and interactions on stage. The author likely intended to convey the intense rivalry and animosity between the two groups, as well as the physicality and aggression that accompanies their confrontations. Overall, the stage directions help to build the atmosphere of the story and highlight the growing tensions in the community.

How many stage direction there have?

There are 9 stage directions

How does rod sterling use stage directions to enhance elements of the plot in the story monsters due on maple street?

He Sucks The Dick

How can you identify stage directions when reading a play?

It will have the directions in parentheses

What can stage directions help a reader understand about a play?

Stage directions help you by telling you what an actor/actress is doing