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Exchange of gases in alveoli takes place through diffusion.

This diffusion takes place to partial pressure differences among the gases O2 and CO2.

The partial pressure of O2in alveolar sac = 103 mm Hg

The partial pressure of O2 in blood = 50mm Hg

The partial pressure of CO2 in alveolar sac = 28 mm Hg

The partial pressure of CO2 in blood = 45 mm Hg

As a result, the O2 from alveolar sacs diffuses into blood.

the CO2 diffuses from blood into lungs.

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Q: How do the structures of alveoli and capillaries support the function of gas exchange?
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How do the structures of the alveoli and capillaries support the function of gas exchange?

Alveoli are found within the lungs. The alveoli act as a specialised gaseous exchange surface in mammals. Another function of alveoli is the production of surfactant.

What happens in the alveoli in the process of gas exchange.?

Alveoli- these are the small sac-like structures where gas exchange occurs with the blood. Its creates an ideal site for gas exchange between the air in the lungs and the blood in the capillaries.

What is the role of the alveoli in the respite system?

Alveoli exchange Oxygen with blood in capillaries

What are alveoli surrounded by?

the blood surround Alveoli in order to gas exchange between the Alveoli and red blood cell.

Which of the following structures is involved in the gas exchange function of the respiratory system?

Trachea, brochi, alveoli,lungs

What are the function of Alveolus?

the Alveoli serve as the surface area for the exchange of carbon-dioxide and oxygen within the lungs. These very thin structures contain small capillaries which carry the blood that take in the oxygen and give off CO2.

Which are the areas of gas exchange?

the alveoli in the lungs and the capillaries in the body

Where in the respiratory system does gas exhcange occur?

Gas exchange occurs in the alveoli in the respiratory system. The thin-walled structures allow diffusion of gases into and out of the capillaries.

What surrounds the alveoli in the lungs to allow gas exchange to occur?


What is relationship of the alveoli to capillaries?

The alveoli branch from the bronchioles and are responsible for gas exchange with the pulmonary capillaries. They come in close contanct with the capillaries so the exchange of O2 and Co2 can occur rapidly and easily.

Where in the lung does exchange of O2 and CO2 take place?

It takes place between the alveoli and the blood capillaries

The exchange of gasses is the function of the what?
