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Because our society develops and further testing can disprove theories.

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Q: How do theories change over time?
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How can theories change over time?


What stament is true of scientific theories?

they can change over time

Why do social theories change?

Because society changes over time.

How have scientific theories changed over time?

When there are more convincing theories occur and proved experimentally, scientist will modify or change the current theories.

Can a theory change over time?

yes, as more things are learned theories can be modified (theory of evolution) also sometimes theories can be thrown out (the theory that the earth is flat)

Two theories on how species change over time?

The scientific theory is evolution.

What do theories do over time?

Theories can evolve and change over time as new evidence is discovered or different perspectives are considered. They may be refined, expanded upon, or even replaced by new theories that better explain a phenomenon. Additionally, theories may become widely accepted within a scientific community or society as a whole as they stand the test of time and scrutiny.

What are Darwin's four theories of evolution?

Darwin's four theories of evolution are: 1) Variation: individuals within a population have different traits. 2) Inheritance: these traits can be passed on to offspring. 3) Natural Selection: organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce. 4) Time: evolution occurs over long periods of time through the accumulation of small changes.

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no such theories exist.

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