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they poke him with a stick until he comes out or something

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Q: How do they get the groundhog out on ground hogs day?
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What holiday do ground hogs celebrate?

Feb 2 is Groundhog Day

Who starred ing a movie ground hogs day?

Bill Murray and Andie McDowell starred in Groundhog's Day.

Did Germany start ground hogs day?

yeah sure why not of corse the Germans starte ground hogs day. they say if a ground hod named punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow it means 6 more weeks of winter otherwise we will see an early spring!! answer: Since Punxatawney is in Pennsylvania, I doubt that Groundhog's Day has anything to do with Germany.

Is the groundhog on Groundhog Day real?

No ground hogs day is not real because scientist that are called Meteorologist study the weather for a period of time and when they come to the conclusion of whether it is six more weeks of winter or an early spring and then when the mayor picks up the groundhog the meteorologists tell him threw a mini microphone the answer

How do you keep ground hogs away from your garden?

Fill up the ground hog holes with "Groundhog away", which is located at Home Depo.

Why does the groundhog day have to be a ground hog?

Thw Groundhog in "Groundhogs Day" is a groundhog simply because it is Groundhogs day. Obvi

What do ground hogs do?

Ground hog day

How much ground would a groundhog hog if a groundhog could hog ground?

A groundhog would hog as much ground as a groundhog COULD if a groundhog could hog ground.

Is there school on groundhog day?

Yes. Groundhog day (Feb 2nd) is not a holiday. Unless Groundhog days falls on a Saturday or Sunday then there is school.

Where do people celebrate ground hogs day?

Someplace in Pennsylvania, I think.

How much ground could a grounghog hog if a groundhog could hog ground?

As much ground as a groundhog could if a groundhog could hog ground!