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I got this info from "" Where does the fluorescent color come from?

The fluorescent color in our fish is produced by a fluorescent protein gene, which creates the beautiful fluorescence that can be seen when looking at the fish. The fluorescent protein genes occur naturally, and are derived from marine organisms. Exactly how is the fluorescent protein gene added to the fish? Every line of GloFish® fluorescent fish (i.e., GloFish® Starfire Red® Zebra, GloFish® Electric Green® Zebra, and GloFish® Sunburst Orange® Zebra) starts with a single fish. The process begins by adding a fluorescence gene to the fish before it hatches from its egg. Once the gene integrates into the genome (i.e., genetic code) of the embryo, the developing fish will be able to pass the fluorescence gene along to its offspring upon maturity. Because of this, the gene only needs to be added to one embryo; from that point forward, all subsequent fluorescent fish are the result of traditional breeding.

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Q: How do they make the GloFish glow I mean I know its a GM animal but what made it glow?
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