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Q: How do toxic substances can inhibit aerobic respiration?
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What enzymes are involved in breaking down toxic products from aerobic respiration?

In aerobic respiration glucose is broken down to release energy and the only toxic products formed are carbon dioxide CO2 and apart from that excess water and it is not difficult to get rid of these things.This is called excretion (removal of toxic waste products of metabolism.)

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What are the safety precautions for handling toxic substances?

The safety precautions for handling toxic substances depend on the nature of the particular substances being handled.

What are the effects of smoking on the respiration?

The effects of smoking on respiration can be detrimental. When you smoke, you inhibit the natural flow of oxygen, and each cigarette delivers some 4,000 toxic substances to the respiratory system.

Are bases toxic substances?

Usually they are toxic to humans and most animals. Bases can be paints, cleaners, bleaches, or other substances.

The function of free oxygen in aerobic respirations is to?

Aerobic respiration takes place in a great number of living things and serves as a means to eliminate carbon dioxide and other toxic materials from the body. It also helps to eliminate the free radicals that are responsible for a great number of health problems. All this life saving process of aerobic respiration takes place in the mitochondria, the subcellular structure present in all living cells. Hence, these mitochondria are termed as power houses of the cells. If the body cells of an aerobic organism are deprived of oxygen, then the organism dies within a very short period due to accumulation of toxic materials and lack of production of energy currency. The major role of oxygen in aerobic respiration is to synthesize the energy currency of the cell ATP by accepting electrons generated from the breakdown of the macromolecules present in the food. It can also be said that oxygen is essential for the breakdown of the macromolecules present in the food we ingest.

What filters toxic substances out of the blood?

The kidney filters all toxic substances out of the blood and the toxic substances, as well as some excess water, is turned into waste. (and i think you know what "waste" is)

What are the disadvantages of anaerobic respiration?

It causes a lack of oxygen, produces an acid called lactic acid that is toxic & causes cramp and it produces very little energy compared to aerobic respiration.decrease in energy production. aka slower metabolism

What do killer cells attack?

toxic substances

What is a forensic toxicoligist?

the studier of toxic substances

Who signed the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976?

President Gerald Ford signed the Toxic Substances Control Act on October 11, 1976.

Is incinerator ash commonly contaminated with highly concentrated toxic substances?

Yes, incinerator ash is commonly contaminated with highly concentrated toxic substances.