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Just as a quick explanation - As a vehicle approaches an intersection the vehicle is detected with a series of in-ground loop detectors. Based on time distance calculations the speed of the vehicle is determined. The computer takes inti account the speed of a vehicle and the likelihood that the vehicle will violate the red light based on the traffic signal phasing. If the computer determines that a violation is likely then the cameras will be activated.

Another View: -OR- it operates as simply as the camera being turned on whenever the red light is lit. Then, it takes a picture of any vehicle crossing the intersection AFTER the red light has actually illumminated.

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14y ago

Traffic lights work on a timer, but if you look closely on the road when your stopped at the traffic lights, you should see a rectangle like shape under the car it is called a sensor

And when you drive on it, a signal is sent, so the timer knows a car is waiting, if no other cars are going the other way, the timer will change and the light will go green so you can go.

I hope this answer helps.

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Q: How bright are red light cameras?
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Are red light cameras use infrared or flash cameras?

Red light cameras are usually high speed video cameras that use ambient light.

Do red light cameras flash?

Yes. I've seen the red light cameras in Maryland flash.

Does Vermont have red light cameras?


How do you beat red light cameras?

Stopping at the red light usually works.

What states have red light cameras?

The states that uses red light cameras are Texas, California, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Georgia. There are also other states that uses both red light cameras and speed cameras.

Does Asia have red light cameras?

Yes there is

Are there any traffic light cameras in Tewkesbury?

There are no red light cameras in Tewkesbury apart from the A4019. Hope this solves the problem

What is the diffrence between the waves that make up bright green light and dim red light?

The bright green light has a higher frequency (shorter wavelength) and a smaller amplitude than the dim red light.

What are the cameras for on traffic lights?

traffic light cameras are camerashat take pics of peoples cars when they pass the streets when its red light

Are red dwarfs bright?

Red dwarfs are not bright because they are not very luminous, they don't emit a lot of light.

Are red light cameras still being used in Springfield Missouri?

Yes, red light cameras are still used in Springfield, MO. My friend was driving there and said she saw a red light camera, too. I hope this helped! Happy Driving! XD

What colour are traffic light cameras supposed to be?
