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I've been doing this recently in science for my GCSE's what happens is there are dominant cells and non dominant cells

for example so a woman and a man are having a child. the man has ginger hair and the woman has blond. one of the will be dominant and the other not. I'm not exactly shore of the order but i do know ginger is more dominant than blond. ALLTERNATE ANSWER! first of all lets talk how it happen. When the two germ cell male sperm and female ova get fused they have chromosome or DNA in them which is responsible for transferring the character. Now during division of this zygote after fusion the phenomena of crossing over take place which mix all the character of both the parents and child get both of them. The question then arise which character will be expressed is depend upon the dominant and ressesive trait if the trait of father is dominant then it will be exprssed and vice versa

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Q: How do traits and characteristics from parents are transferred or passed to their offspring?
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What are passed from parents to offspring?

genetic characteristics

The triat that appears in the offspring is called?

the characteristics which are passed on by to a offspring by its parents

Characteristics offspring inherit from there parents?

genes that we get from our parents that are passed down to the offspring.

The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring?

The passing on of characteristics from parents to offspring is known as heredity. Some characteristics include hair or eye color, dimples and freckles.

Did Darwin or Lamarck hypothesized that characteristics developed by parents are passed on to their offspring?

?Mendel, widely acknowledged as the first geneticist.the answer is either lamarck or darwinit's lamarck. he believed that characteristics developed by parents are passed on to their offspring.

What are some visible traits inherited by humans?

Characteristics passed down by parents to the offspring.

What are some characteristics that can be passed on from parents to young, what are some that cannot be passed on?

Parents pass characteristics such as hair color, nose shape, and skin color to their offspring. Not all of the parents' characteristics will appear in the offspring, but the characteristics that are more likely to appear can be predicted. Examples of non-inherited traits include table manners, greeting customs, a preference for certain types of foods, and parenting skills.

What are genetic traits?

Genetic traits are variations of features passed on to offspring from there parents.

How can you use the concept of genetic inheritance to disprove Lamark's idea of the inheritance of acquired characteristics?

Lamarck's theory is disproved through many different examples of acquired characteristics. Anything that happens to a parent would be passed on to the offspring. Acoording to Lamarck, a parent that has tattoos would pass on the tattoos to the offspring. Loss of limb, injuries, cosmetic surgery or anything that changed in the parents would manifest in the offspring. This is not the case. Acquired characteristics are not passed on to offspring unless they change the gene sequence of the sex cells. Parents do not give physical characteristics to offspring, but do give the coding for those characteristics. The gene passes on the trait.

Is it true that the inheritance of biological characteristics is determined by genes that are passed from their parents to their offspring?

It's a bit more complicated than that - but yes.

The passing of traits from parents to offspring is called?

Heredity's the passing of traits from parent to offspring.This is the simpler way to say it as well, the traits i have has been passed to me by my parents,it is called heredity.

What is inheritance in science terms?

Inheritance is the process by the which traits or characteristics pass from parents to their offspring through genes. Some of these characteristics are dominant and some are recessive and they are passed through inheritance.