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Q: How do traits help animals survive in there given environment?
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What happens to animals whose mutations do not help them survive in a given environment?

They often do not thrive and die earlier than others

According to Darwin what was central to organic evolution?

According to Darwin, natural selection was central to organic evolution. This process involves the differential survival and reproduction of individuals due to differences in traits that influence their ability to survive and reproduce in a given environment. Over time, this results in the accumulation of traits that are better suited to the environment, leading to evolutionary change in populations.

Can gorillas survive in different places?

Yes , if suitable environment and proper food are given .

What does mean relic behavior in animals?

The relic behavior in animals refers to the behavior in animals that has a sentimental value. It also refers to a given characteristic that makes a given animal survive.

How do genetic variation and environmental factors work together to cause natural selection?

Organisms (plants, animals, bacteria, etc) that have more traits that are favorable in the environment will live longer and have more opportunities to reproduce and create offspring that share their favorable traits. Organisms with traits unsuitable for the environment will die sooner, and will produce fewer or no offspring. If given enough time in a stable environment, the population will eventually reflect the genes best suited for it, assuming pure natural selection.

What is the meaning of environmental traits?

Environmental traits are the features that can be seen or perceived in a given area. Traits may include things like vegetation, rivers, and hills.

Animals give off what gas as waste products but need oxygen to survive?

Methane is given off by animals as a waste gas.

Do animals in captivity have a longer lifespan than living in their natural habitat?

yes. they are protected from predators and are given meals. animals in their natural habitat have to fend for themselves to survive

Why should suppliers in the task environment be given importance?

Yes because deforestation is killing many animals of this world.

Why is the theory of evolution not predictive?

It is. You can obviously state what will happen when you separate a population of animals into goups with no contact, or what happens when you remove their food supply, or when you alter their environment substantially, or when you change the ratios of cetrain inheritable traits, or when ...Although you cannot say exactly what will happen given a general "what happens?" question, we can always give general answers:the strongest (most fit) members will survive better;their genes will be passed on more often, resulting in a better population;when food supply is low, those who can gather food better or use it more effectively survive longer;when the environment is changed, those who can adapt quicker survive more;in the case of separated populations, genetic drift will eventually make them unbreedable.

How does genetic variation and environmental factors work together to cause natural selection?

Higher the genetic variation, better luck to deal with wider range of environmental factors hence better luck to pass the sieve of natural selection. ALSO Organisms (plants, animals, bacteria, etc) that have more traits that are favorable in the environment will live longer and have more opportunities to reproduce and create offspring that share their favorable traits. Organisms with traits unsuitable for the environment will die sooner, and will produce fewer or no offspring. If given enough time in a stable environment, the population will eventually reflect the genes best suited for it, assuming pure natural selection.

How are adaptation and selection related?

Natural selection means that only the fittest survive. The fittest are usually defined as those with the characteristics, or adaptations, that allow them to survive longer in a certain environment. In this way, they are selected by nature to reproduce and pass those adaptations on to their offspring, while animals who are not able to adapt or lack the necessary qualities to survive will die without reproducing, thus eliminating their genes from the gene pool. The idea is that eventually, you will end up with a population where only certain adaptations that are perfect for surviving in the given environment are present.