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Q: How do trees grow in secondary succession?
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What will happen if a tornado uproots most of the trees in an ecosystem?

If a tornado uproots most of the trees in an area, then secondary succession will occur. In secondary succession, the vegetation itself or much of it has been destroyed, but the soil and seeds remain in place. Plants will grow from these seeds. Eventually new trees will grow and, after a few decades, the area will have returned to normal.

How does secondary succession differ from primary succession?

Primary succession occurs after the complete wipe out of vegetation. After the wipe out occurs, small shrubs and grasses grow. Secondary succession however, occurs when there has been destruction to the land, but not enough to completely devastate the area. Hard woods grow during secondary succession.

Do buckeye trees grow in early or late succession?

im not sure i think it is early succession

Why does primary succession take longer that secondary succession?

Soil nutrients remain in the area which enables plants to grow.

Which plants are usually first to grow during secondary succession?

It is crab grass.

Which takes longer primary succession or secondary succession?

Secondary succession is faster than primary succession because soil is already there and the soil usually contains many seeds.

After an event such as a forest fire an ecosystem experiences what is called?

The right answer is Secondary Succession (pg 52.)

What would be followed by secondary succession?

Primary succession. Follow the answer to "What is secondary succession?".

When does secondary succession could occur after?

Secondary succession can happy after primary succession . Secondary can be independent but is not usually independent from primary succession.

Which type of succession follows tornadoes?

Secondary succession follows tornadoes, if there is any succession. Tornadoes can bring down many trees and damage vegetation, but they generally leave the soil intact.

Is a volcano a secondary succession or a primary succession?

secondary sucession

What type of succession occurs in an area where an ecosystem has been disturbed?

primary succession