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Identical (monozygotic) twins develop from one zygote (fertilized egg) that splits into two embryos.

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12y ago
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8y ago

Twins develop when one egg is split in the uterus or when two separate eggs are fertilized.

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13y ago

Answer 1) The cell splits , and divides into two babies , and because they have the same cell in them , they are identicle ~Dayna

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Q: How do two identical twins develop in a female?
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What develop from two eggs and two sperms?

Normally non-identical twins.

Do identical twins develop from two different eggs that are fertilized by different sperm?

No, fraternal twins do.

What is the difference between a fraternal twins and identical twins?

If two (or more) eggs are fertilised and develop together you will get fraternal twins. Identical twins are the result of a single fertilised egg dividing into two embryos.

How does identical and fraternal twins happen?

If one egg is fertilized and as it begins to grow it divides into two separate zygotes (fetuses) then they can develop into identical twins. If two separate eggs are both fertilited at the same time they will develop into fraternal twins

Are female twins that are not identical called Fraternal or Maternal?

Any set of twins that are not identical (whether it's boys or girls or a combination of the two) are fraternal twins.

What The scientific name for fraternal twins.?

Identical twins are called monozygotic. Fraternal twins are called dizygotic.

What are two individuals that develop from the same zygote called?

Two individuals that develop from the same zygote are called identical twins. If they develop from two separate zygotes, they are fraternal.

What do you call identical twins that develop from two different eggs that are fertilized by different sperm?

That isn't possible: if the twins are from two different eggs, fertilized by different sperm, then they will not be identical. It's genetically impossible.

How twins and triplets develops?

Where one cell splits into 2 or 3 durning the early age of pregnancy

What is the difference between dizygotic twins and monozygotic twins?

Dizygotic twins develop from two separate ova fertilized by different sperm at roughly the same time, they are also called fraternal twins. Monozygotic twins develop from one zygote that splits apart producing genetically identical zygotes; also called identical twins.

Why do identical twins have the same genotype?

Identical twins have the same genotype because they have the exact same genes. Identical twins are formed when one fertilized egg (zygote) splits in two and each of the now two zygotes each develop into different beings. Identical twins are therefore referred to as monozyygotic twins and they have the same DNA.

Are twins that can only be two girls or two boys identical?

No. In order for them to be identical they needed to start off as the same cell and divide so at first their DNA is identical meaning they have the same sex. During development slight changes may occur but the sex always stays the same. Boy-girl twins are always two different cells meaning that they are not identical. The term for boy-girl twins is furturnal. You can however have boy-boy twins and girl-girl twins that are not identical and they are also called furternal. So basically, identical twins start off as one cell that divides and furternal are two individual cells. There is polar body twinning, that's when the egg splits before fertilization, and that can cause a male and a female. This is called semi identical twins or half twins. They share 75% of their genetic markers.