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That word has a good connotation so, use it in public.

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3d ago

You can use connotation in a sentence by choosing words that carry positive, negative, or neutral underlying meanings to evoke specific emotions or associations. For example, saying "She's frugal" instead of "She's cheap" conveys a more positive connotation.

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How do you use the word connotation in a sentence?

The expression "hitting on" meaning trying to start a relationship, has a connotation of violence.

How can you use the word connotation in a sentence?

I am sorry if you thought my connotation of that word meant you were a bad person.Referring to me as a very mature woman has a negative connotation.

How do you use connotztion in a sentence?

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What are some example sentences with the word connotation?

Can you restate that sentence without a negative connotation?There was a connotation of grief in his voice.

How can you use connotation?

Connotation can be used to evoke emotions or create a specific tone in writing by using words with underlying meanings or associations. By selecting words with certain connotations, writers can enhance the overall impact and interpretation of their message. Additionally, connotation can help to add depth and complexity to descriptions or storytelling.

How do you use connotation in a sentence?

The definition of connotations is that which is implied by a word in addition to its literal or primary meaning. Connotation is the feeling a certain word or phrase makes us feel suddenly. It can also mean the negative or positive feeling society places on some words especially slang.

Make a sentence with the word connotation?

The word "beautiful" carries a positive connotation, suggesting attractiveness and aesthetic pleasure.

When might you use connotation in your writing?

You might use connotation in your writing to evoke a specific emotion or association, to add depth and layers to your text, or to create a certain tone or mood. Connotation helps to convey subtle meanings and nuances that can enhance the overall impact of your writing.

Is douse a positive or negative connotation?

Depends on the sentence it is used in

Connotation of the common use of dialect?

The common use of dialect often connotes regional identity, cultural heritage, and social belonging. Dialects can signal a sense of community and belonging among speakers who share a particular linguistic variation. At the same time, they can also be stigmatized or seen as less prestigious in some contexts.

What is the denotation and connotation in English grammar?

Denotation refers to the literal or dictionary definition of a word, while connotation refers to the feelings, emotions, or ideas associated with a word beyond its literal meaning. Denotation is objective and can be found in the dictionary, while connotation is subjective and can vary based on personal experiences and cultural context.

Does consummate have a negative connotation?

No. In a sentence like "He was a consummate gentleman" it means he was a perfect gentleman. As a verb, when saying "We will consummate the deal tomorrow" it has no connotation.