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We currently have no scientific way of killing a virus so we recover from colds etc. because our bodies can defeat viruses.

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Q: How do viruses go away because antibiotics can't kill them?
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Why cant you use antibiotics to kill virus but bacteria can be killed by antibiotics?

Because bacteria and viruses are two completely different things. Antibiotics - as their name implies - will kill bacteria, but antibiotics simply have no effect on viruses.

Which is easier to cure viruses or bacteria?

actually, curing bacteria is easier than viruses because they can be treated by antibiotics while viruses cant and its result of viruses don't have stable and similar morph

Why cant antibiotics be used to to treat hiv or aids?

Antibiotics are only effective against bacteria, not viruses, and HIV is a virus.

Why are antibiotics effective against bacteria but not viruses?

mainly because antibiotics are "programmed" to fight bacteria and do not attack other organisms like fungus or virus. its is also believed that even though virus does replicate inside livving cells, it is not considered "alive", literally. and since bacteria is a growing organism that is "alive", vaccines wont help any bit either because they are also "programmed" to kill or prevent any harmful virus that is alive only.

What are the differences between viruses and bacteria?

Bacteria: Bacteria can be killed by antibiotics. Bacteria is larger. Bacteria can reproduce from the life cycle. Viruses: Viruses cant be killed by antibiotics. Viruses are smaller than bacteria. Viruses cant reproduce without help from a host cell or organism.

Which microbe can be killed by antibiotics?

A microbe is basically something you that can only be viewed under the microscope. As a virus is a microbe, you have your answer. Viruses infect a cell, then force it to make copies of itelf until the cell dies. Because of this, antibiotics for them are incredibly hard to make, because to kill the viruses inside the infected cell, the cell too must be destroyed.

Why cant antibiotics be used to treat diseases like flu or HIV?

Antibiotics are used for bacteria, HIV and FLU are a type of viris, not a bacteriumyou would have to use anti-viral tablets but they are not very effective because they can destroy your cells (viruses reproduce inside cells)Antibiotics generally work by destroying the cell walls of bacteria. The flu is caused by a virus, which is not a cell and does not have a cell wall. Antibiotics cannot be used against viral diseases.

What are the websites without viruses?

We cant assure any website that ot doesnt have virus because all website can get viruses

Why can't viruses be treated with antibiotic?

Viruses aren't living, because in order for an organism to be living it must be made up of cells. Antibiotics are made up of dead bacteria so that your body knows how to fight it and learns to get rid of it. Because viruses aren't living in the first place, you can't kill them, and antibiotics won't work. The symptoms, however, CAN be treated.

Why viruses are called nature's littlest killers?

because you cant see them because they are so little and they are the tiniest things in nature

Why cant anti-biotics be used on flu or hiv?

Penicillin is an antibiotic; it fights bacteria. Flu and HIV are viruses, and antibiotics will not help a viral infection. Penicillin is effective against some types of bacteria. It has no action against viral infections like influenza (the flu) and HIV.

Why cant thomas be a runner right away?

He cant be a runner because he is a newbie and is knew to the place.