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Q: How do vitamins and minerals get to the right parts of your body?
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Parts of food that the body can use?

Proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals.

What minerals does the body make?

None. Minerals and vitamins must be consumed for the body to use them. This is why vitamins and minerals are so important to our nutrition.

What are the nutrients that regulate many chemical reactions in the body?

Protein, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.

What do you get vitamins and minerals from?

vitamins and minerals are nutrients that you can get in small quantity from fruits and vegetables,and they are beneficial for the human body.

Why do you need vitamins and minerals?

when you do not eat vitamins and minerals your body does not know what to do so you Must eat them.

What nutrients are not used as a source of energy by the body?

Vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients that do not provide energy to the body directly. They have specific roles in various bodily functions such as supporting immune function, bone health, and enzyme activity, but they do not serve as a source of calories for energy production.

What stores glycogen vitamins and minerals?

The liver is the body organ that stores glycogen, vitamins and minerals. The minerals and vitamins are some of the nutrients that we get in small quantities from the vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins and minerals cannot be what in our body?


What are not characteristics of vitamins?

Unlike water soluble vitamins such as b vitamins they are stored in your body and are not just expelled out by keeping these vitamins and minerals It alowes are body to keep them for later use

Which does the body burn protein lipid minerals or vitamins?

The body uses proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates for energy. It uses minerals and vitamins to build substances in the body that the body uses to function. Such as iron for hemoglobin or vitamins as anti-oxidants.

Why do we need phosphorous as part of the right mix of vitamins and minerals?

We need phosphorous as part of the right mix of vitamins and minerals because it is necessary for strong bones and teeth. Phosphorous also helps the body absorb Vitamin B and create energy.

What are 2 ways that vitamins and minerals can be supplied to the body?

Vitamins supplements and Nutrition