

Best Answer

hi to all !
if u need a strong crisp deeper voice you should go to ebay and purchase A book "HOW TO GET A DEEPER VOICE?" . this book suggests exercises which work really well. You don't need to waste timewhile surfingsite to site. These exercises are so useful that you get results early and u can perform theses exercises even with your busy schedule. deeper voice is a dream of every man and that's what it offers,,,,,,

atleast I purchased it and it worked for me........

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Q: How do voices get deeper?
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Do men have deeper voices?

Nine times out of ten, men have deeper voices that women.

Since the protrusion of the Adam's apple is caused by the enlarging of the larynx and hence resulting in a deeper voice-Do guys with high-pitched voices still have a protruding Adam's apple?

Yes, although not necessarily as much as guys with the deeper voices.

Why do gay peoples voice change?

Gay peoples voices do not change any more than straight people's voices change. All voices get a little deeper with age, but this happens regardless of sexual orientation.

Why do men typically have bigger laryinx than women?

Yes. That is why men have deeper voices than women.

Why does a teens voice crack?

Teen boys voices become deeper as they get older as their vocal cords lengthen and thicken so then their voice gradually gets deeper and other guys may find that their voice becomes deeper more quickly.

Did cole or Dylan sprouse take testosterone shots or did their voice get deeper naturally?

when they grow up there voices change naturally. soooo no they did not take testosterone.. they grew into HOT boys and their voices changed

What is the starting age of the automatically developing voice of a man especially to large voices?

Men develop deeper voices when they go through puberty. Full adult pitch is achieved by age 15, on average.

Why do men generally have deeper voices than women?

It's because they wanna sound sexy inf front of dat right ladies!! lol! NEWay! also because the hormones in men change there voices and make them deeper as they age.The higher levels of testosterone in men than in women is a factor in having a deeper voice.

What vocal chord change the voice puberty?

Girls' voices become a bit more high-pitched, whereas boys' voices turned deeper. Well, that's what I learned at school and I hope it's true!!

Why do children have higher pitched voices than grown ups?

Because their voice boxes have not grown or stretched until Puberty begins. As they go through puberty boys voices change and get deeper due to the aforementioned.

Will your voice change?

Yes, during puberty, men's voices change. As their larynx (voice box) develops, the sound made gets deeper.

What would happen to testosterone over production in males?

Males would just be hairier, stinkier and probably bigger men with deeper voices.