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They do this by "burning" fuel/food in their cells.

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through high metabolism

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Q: How do warm-blooded animal generate heat?
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What do you call a warmblooded animal?

they generate their own body heat.

How do you warmblooded animals generate heat?

through high metabolism

How does a squirrel's body temperature stay the same when it is very cold outside?

They are warmblooded (meaning they generate their own body heat).

What is the temperature of a warmblooded animal?

it depends on the animal

Is a platypus a warmblooded or cold blooded?

a platypus is a warmblooded animal because it is a mammal and like most mammals,they are warmblooded.

A animal that maintain a constant body temperature?

Any warmblooded animal like mammals. Cold-blooded animals rely on surrounding heat to heat their body, that's why you see lizards laying on the rocks in the sun.

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Is a reptile a warmblooded animal?

Reptiles are coldblooded animals.

Is a House Sparrow a warmblooded animal or a cold-blooded animal?

A House Sparrow is a Warm-blooded animal

What is an advantage of being warmblooded?

An advantage is that you don't have to rely on the sun's warmth for your body heat.

An animal whoe body controles it own temperature?


What is a andotherm?

A warmblooded animal that maintains a constant body temperature.