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the water gets scared by the shearp rocks and rushes back up the waterfall.

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Q: How do waterfalls retreat back up a valley?
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How do you get up waterfalls in Pokemon Sapphire?

If you're in the middle of the game, then there's no point trying to get up them. The 8th gym badge will enable you to use the HM move, Waterfall, on the field. Then you can go back and collect all the goodies up the waterfalls.

What is opposite word for progress?

back up, decline, retreat, stop

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What does waterfall do in Pokemon FireRed?

It lets you ride up on waterfalls. Some places are only aplicable by using waterfalls.

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Can you use a Trainer Switch card on your paralyzed Pokemon to return it to the bench I does say that paralyzed Pokemon can not retreat or attack?

Yes you can. If you really want to use stratagy, play a Switch and put up a Pokemon with a free retreat cost and you can retreat back, thus healing your Pokemon and allowing you to attack again

What is the only fish that can swim up a waterfall?

When salmon are ready to reproduce, they travel upstream to their hatching grounds. In some cases, this means that they will hurl themselves up waterfalls to get to their spawning grounds.

How does Niagara falls retreat?

Niagara Falls retreats as water flows it picks up loose rock, sand and dirt; eroding the surface back upstream.

How many different waterfalls make up Victoria falls?

Five different waterfalls make up Victoria falls horseshoe falls, rainbow falls, devil cataract, main falls and eastern cataract

In Pokemon FireRed How do you go up waterfalls?

Use the TM waterfall. I think.

What is the famous waterfalls in Jamica?

Jamaica has a number of cascading waterfalls that visitors can climb up. The most famous is Dunn's River Falls, near Ocho Rios on the north coast.