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Q: How do we get rid of low grade bacterial infection in the bowels without antibiotics?
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Why can't my welsh corgie move his bowels without my help?

the bowels are to heavy

Why is burst bowel so dangerous?

The bacteria escape when ruptured and cause infection outside the bowels. You can die from this type of infection. Peritonitis

Is it possible to get yeast infection while doing a colon cleanse?

Yes. There is an organism which is naturally in the bowels, but foreign to the vaginal area.

Can urine infection affect your bowels?

A urinary tract infection, if let go and not taken care of, could in fact spread to the bowels. In some ways, this is highly unlikely, but all things considered, it is just a lot of bacteria that are growing and culturing in your body. This should be treated immediately and taken care of well until the infection goes away, as this could lead to serious health complications later.

Do invertebrates have bowels?

Yes, invertebrates have bowels.

Can a bladder infection cause a kidney infection?

Nope. These infections are caused by bacteria. Namely e-coli that can get into the urinary tract from the bowels. Feces can get on the hands and then the person touches the penis. The e-coli get inside and multiply, causing the infection. A fall could cause bruising of these and other internal organs however.

What conditions might cause bloody stools?

Ulcers of which some are known as bleeding ulcers are a cause of bloody stools. Some other types of bloody stools are caused by a person who drinks but does not eat. Sometimes it is an infection in the bowels and in the worst cases there could be some type of cancer or a tumorous growth in the bowels.

What does empty one's bowels mean?

Empty one's bowels means to defecate.

What is the meaning of diarrhea?

A morbidly frequent and profuse discharge of loose or fluid evacuations from the intestines, without tenesmus; a purging or looseness of the bowels; a flux.

what is the meaning of Diarrhoea?

A morbidly frequent and profuse discharge of loose or fluid evacuations from the intestines, without tenesmus; a purging or looseness of the bowels; a flux.

Are bowels an organ?


Do vampiers use the bathroom?

No. They just imagine their bowels cleansed, and they are. No. They just imagine their bowels cleansed, and they are.