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Q: How do we know modern whales are related to ancient mammals?
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what is one piece of evidence that indicates ancient mammals are related to each other and to modern whales?

One piece of evidence that indicates ancient mammals are related to each other and to modern whales would be:each species had traits that allowed it to survive in a particular time and place in Earth's history.

What organism is the whale most closely related?

Whales are related to the even-toed hoofed mammals. Whales are most closely related to modern hippos, and should share a common ancestor with them.

Are whales related to tuna?

No, whales are mammals, tuna are fish.

Are blue whales related to sharks?

There is very little relation between sharks and whales. Sharks are an ancient primitive creature, and the whale is a modern creature who gives live birth and nurses its young. the whale is a creature which originally lived on land, then adapted to live in the ocean.

Are whales related to fish?

No whale are mammals.

Are whales related to great white sharks?

No, whales are mammals and sharks are fish.

Are walruses related to whales?

Both are mammals. That's it, they are not related. The walrus is a pinniped, related to seals, whales are Cetaceans, related to porpoises and dolphins.

What is ambulocetus an ancestor to?

Animals of the genus Ambulocetus are intermediaries between basal mammals and modern whales, and possibly ancestral to modern whales.

Are whales related to giraffes?

Only in the most general sense, in that both giraffes and whales are mammals.

How do scientists know that baleen whales are related to toothed whales?

They're both aquatic mammals for a start.

One hypothesized link between modern whales and hoofed mammals are?


What is the animal dolphins?

Dolphins are marine mammals that are closely related to whales and porpoises.