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Tom McGuigzi1`

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Q: How do we prevent transport emissions?
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What percentage of road emissions does road transport account?

What percentage of road emissions does road transport account?.2

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How can you reduce emissions?

We can reduce emissions by recycling waht we can and walking, cycling or taking public transport! HELP SAVE OUR WORLD!

What are the advantages of congestion charges?

Fewer cars entering central London- lower pollution emissions Higher usage of public transport- less emissions Will lead to more sustainable forms of transport- walking, cycling etc. Will ease traffic congestion

Should modern transport be more environmentally friendly?

Yes, all modern transport should be running on renewable energy with no greenhouse gas emissions.

How can you reduce emissions in future to prevent or minimise global warming?

Even "How can We reduce emissions" cannot 'hope to cut it'. This may only be handled by the highest Authorities.

Is burning fossil fuels for transportation related to global warming?

Yes, burning fossil fuels to drive transport is a major cause of the extra carbon dioxide greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.Carbon emissions from Transport (in Australia in 2009 for example), make up 14% of all emissions. The totals are:Electricity 36%Direct Fuel Combustion 15%Agriculture 15%Transport 14%Fugitive Emissions 7% (leaks, escaping gas, etc)Deforestation and Forestry 5%Industry 5%Waste 3%(link below)

Which transport mechanism might be used to prevent the movement of sodium ions intovthe cell when it is at resting potential?

Passive Transport

What part of a persons carbon footprint?

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions from transport each day is part of a person's carbon footprint.

What percentage of all emissions does road transport account for?

This answer can vary depending of your source and also by country. In countries like the USA where there are more cars per capita the number will be higher than third world countries. Road transport is the third largest source of UK greenhouse gases and accounts for over 20% of total emissions.

What is being done to save the walrus?

WWF is cutting greenhouse gas emissions to prevent dangerous climate change.

What are the advantages of fuel cell powered launchers (or transport)?

End use of fuel-cell-powered transport will result in a much different types of emissions to other those from today’s petrolium ones, and also a much different outcomes of where in the life cycle (i.e., means of use as these emissions will occur). Today’s major source of criteria pollutant emissions can be , whereas the powered fuel cell structures will not emit any criteria pollutants. The only significant emission will be water . The widespread use of powered fuel cell transport will have a positive impact on air quality in many urban areas , to reduce large amounts of emissions. They also appear to offer the potential for significantly improved electrochemical efficiency.