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Coastal wetlands act as buffers against hurricane-produced storm surge, and provide storage for precipitation. Both of these attributes decrease flooding. Wetlands can also block the transport of large solid objects carried by storm surge or wind, such as loose barges or floating trees. These objects, if unchecked, can damage infrastructure such as bridges and docks, and can also weaken or breach flood control structures such as levees and floodwalls.

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Q: How do wetlands protect us from hurricanes?
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How does wetlands help us?

Hope this helps! wetlands..... purify water, protect from flooding, provide habitats for animals, and soak up flood water.

What people can do to support the continued preservation of wetland environments in the US?

People can help donate their time and money if possible to help preservation societies protect the wetlands. They can also quit polluting and not destroy the wetlands.

Which international agreement was signed to protect these wetlands?

ramsar convection

Where in the US is there wetlands?

Most wetlands are in Louisiana. Some appear in Florida.

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Ban all hunting, protect wetlands. But alligators number in the millions, and are in no danger.

How do wetlands protect the environment?

Lindsey Bluth campaigned for them to be protected

Which international agreement was signed to protect wetlands?

Ramsar Wetland Convention

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by not trowing things in the floor

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wetlands breed insects eaten by fish.

What state has wetlands in the US?

I know that Texas has wetlands. They are on the coast. Some other states might also have wetlands though.

What are 5 reasons wetlands are important?

they r our nature's kidneys clean our water protect us from floods gives habitats to the animals gives food to the animals