

How do whale sharks communicate to each other?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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they poo

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Q: How do whale sharks communicate to each other?
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Can a shark eat a whale shark Are sharks cannibals?

Sharks can not eat whale sharks as whale sharks are proportionally bigger than sharks. Sharks may scavenge off dead whale sharks but the probability of live whale sharks being eaten is highly unlikely. Some species of shark are cannibals and babies will often eat each other while inside the womb.______________________________________________________________________________Just a short note to remind whale sharks (Rhincodon typus) were contemporaneous with C. Megalodon, and in the same waters.That contributed for the whale shark to be included in the megalodon's menu although they have been extinct for millions of years.

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Type your answer here... a whale. some fish also eat other fish.

How many sharks are killed from killer whales each year?

ten thousand and 376 whale sharks

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Blue whales communicate under water with the same type of species. But somehow, they are also able to communicate to each other when they are above the water trying to find food.

Do blue whales eat whale sharks?

No becaus blue whale eats krill ans whale shark eats planktons both of them are very big to swallow an it is almost impossible that theycan meet with each other

Do whale sharks eat basking sharks?

No, both species are filter feeders. Eating small schooling fish, shrimp, krill, and plankton. They most definitely would not eat each other.

How do sharks interact with other sharks?

some sharks eat each other for demonise or for scarce of food

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Insects communicate with each other by sensory.

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I do not know how Jaguars communicate with each other. They might growl or purr.

How do blue whales communicate with other blue whales?

Blue whales communicate with each other by using a series if high frequency sounds that can only be herd by their species. The also use other ways to communicate by flapping their fins and tail in a certain way. The baby whales learn those things form their mothers like we learn words when we are babies.

Do sharks eat each other in there mothers stomach?

No, sharks do not eat each other in their mother's stomachs.

Can people and sharks hurt each other?

Of course they can kill each other. Humans and sharks are enemies.