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ten thousand and 376 whale sharks

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Q: How many sharks are killed from killer whales each year?
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Are sharks and killer whales against each other?

normally they are not hunting in the same area.

Are killer whales bigger than great white sharks?

Yes, killer whales (Orcinus orcas) are stronger than sharks. Great white shark size: 15 ft (Fully grown male great white sharks) and 20 ft (Fully grown female great white sharks) Orca (Killer whale) size: 25 ft(Fully grown female killer whales) and 30 ft (Fully grown male killer whales) Sharks have over 3 thousand razor sharp triangular teeth while killer whales have 50 4 inch teeth. Shark brains are about 2 ft long and killer whale brains are 8 ft long. Sharks usually hunt alone while killer whales in pods that have 40 individual killer whales each. One orca group is Transient, the one that prefers to prey upon large marine mammals and one orca group is Residential, the one that prefers to prey upon fish. Combining those 2 pods together would add up to 80 orca whales altogether. But 1 killer whale can kill a shark with a single stun without getting hurt and without help! Note: Sharks are also fish. This means that they are at the very top of the food chain for killer whales as well!

Are dolphins the killer whales enemies?

Killer whales & the Great White don't like each other.

Are whale sharks friendly to humans?

yes they are friendly but killer whales you can not swim with because they might think you are a seal and eat you but most other cases whales do not attack you unless they are a male or a female with a baby.

Are killer whales solitary?

No, Killer whales live in a social group called a Pod; With each pod varying in numbers.

Do sharks and whales get along with each other?

Sharks and whales are actually not related to each other. A shark is a type of fish. They breathe through gills, and do not nurse their pups. Whales are mammals. They are warm blooded, breathe surface air, and nurse their calves. The animal that is probably the closest relation to the whale would be a dolphin. Certain types of dolphins, such as orcas, are often mistaken for whales.

Howe many sharks are killed each year?

Up to 73-78 million sharks are killed each year.

Can a shark beat a killer whale?

Honestly, I don't think of "win" as a right word, I know what you mean. I don't really think a shark and a killer whale would attack each other, but even though sometimes killer whales could be larger, the might have advantages, but sharks have better strength. I don't know much about this, but you should probably look up more information online...

What are a whale's predators?

Killer Whales sometimes each young humpback whales. Men also hunt whales.

What are a humpback whale's predators?

Killer Whales sometimes each young humpback whales. Men also hunt whales.

What can eat a killer whale?

Killer Whales are at the very VERY VERY TOP of the food chain in the ocean. Even the Great White shark and Blue Whales would stay clear of this animal. Until we discover something greater in the ocean, it is fair to say that nothing WILL eat a Killer Whale. Killer Whales have not been known to kill each other, and humans have not been recorded directly eating the flesh of killer whales (they are usually hunted for their blubber, which is used in making oil, not eating). But regardless of that, Humans and Killer Whales COULD eat killer whales. You could go further and say sharks could eat baby killer whales (although its unlikely because youngsters are carefully guarded by their parents), or even other giant animal like Polar Bears and Leopard Seals... Any carnivore CAN EAT a killer whale, its just a matter of killing it fist!

Are whales more dangerous than sharks?

no cuz sharks kill more ppl each year