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Pathogens (disease causing agents) are always present in the environment. When they invade in the body, pathogen-destroying white blood cells act as the a line of defense for the body. Macrophages and neutrophiles destroy microorganisms through phagocytosis (engulfing them whole) and are found in the interstitial fluid (outside of the blood stream and cells). The pathogen is drawn into the macrophage where enzymes such as lysozyme kill the pathogen. White blood cells can also identify certain proteins an carbohydrates on the surface of invading pathogen and this recognition triggers the cell's responses. Lymphocytes do not attack directly but instead, they recognize that the cell has become infected by a virus and release antibodies that tags to invader by binding to the antigen molecule. This triggers the mechanism that destroys the invader.

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They produce anti bodies and anti toxins they may also attempt to "eat" the cell in a process called phagocytosis.

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Q: How do white blood cells fight disease?
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What kind of blood fight disease?

White Blood cells help fight disease. You can get a type of cancer if you don't have enough white blood cells.

What are blood cells that fight disease?

White Blood Corpuscles are the cells in the blood that fight diseases.

What cells that fight disease?

White blood cells

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What are the cells which fight disease in the body?

These are white blood cells.

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A low amount of white blood cells will cause an increase in illness and disease. This is because white blood cells are used to fight disease and illnesses. Everyday, thousands of bacteria and viruses enter the body and the white blood cells fight the them. With a lower count of white blood cells, you are more susceptible to disease as your body won't be able to fight the disease as efficiently.

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Blood contains white blood cells and antibodies that fight disease,

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Langerhan's Cells (also called epidermal dendritic cells) -They are phagocytes that ingest foreign substances and help to activate our immune system.

What are white blood cells?

Hi there! white blood cells are little cells in our body that help eradicate viruses and other harmful things in our body. (just in case you want to know about these cells as well) Red blood cells are what transport oxygen throughout our body.

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White blood cells increase in number to fight an infection or 'disease'. It is part of the body's immune response.

Which phrase does not describes a way the human body responds to fight disease?

production of pathogens by the white blood cells

What is white blood cell?

White blood cell is a cell in our blood that remove germs in the bloodstream.