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Q: How do wild betta fish catch their prey?
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Where do you catch Betta Fish in Singapore?

You don't. Wild Bettas do not come from Singapore.

How do betta fish catch pray?

in the wild,most of there prey is bugs which fall into the water. when i feed mine bugs,she will grab onto them,and if theer to big to swallow,she drags em under water and shakes/ bites them apart

Where to catch a wild betta in Malaysia?

in rivers.

Are betta fish wild?

The betta fish that you buy at Walmart or a pet shop are raised in captivity and bred for their long fins and rich colors. The original betta(Betta spendens) came from Siam, now Thailand, where it lives in small ponds. The wild fish is smaller and not as colorful as its domestic counterpart, but just as feisty with others of its kind.

How do wild hermit crabs catch it's prey?

They eat fallen fruits, washed up fish, and climb trees to eat bugs

Are Betta fish solitary in the wild?

Betta fish do live by themselves, as int hey don't travel in groups. But more then one betta inhabits a space. They live in mile long rice paddies.

How did dogs get their claws?

so they can catch prey because some are wild

Can an African wild dog catch a cheetah?

African wild dogs will prey on cheetah cubs.

How do African wild dogs catch their pray?

they catch tails or rear ends of prey to catch.

What is a rare betta?

a wild betta

How does the betta fish get its food when it is young?

In the wild, yes, betta fish are carnivorous and are thus required to hunt for food. If you put a live bloodworm into a betta's tank, you can see from the body language of the fish that it is "eyeballing" or even stalking the worm.

What do bettas eat in the wild?

Betta fish are carnivorous and they eat insects that land on the surface of the water.Beta fish eat the algae off of other rocks and surroundings. :)