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Wind farms generate electricity using the power of the wind. There are no polluting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, such as are released from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

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Q: How do wind farms not contribute to global warming?
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What can you do to stop global warming in the simplest terms?

Get your government to make the switch from coal-fired electricity power stations to solar and wind farms. Plant billions of trees all around the world. If we stop burning oil and coal tomorrow, that will stop global warming.

How does wind help global warming?


Is global warming the primary cause of wind?

No. Wind is caused by a combination uneven heating of Earth's surface and Earth's rotation. There has always been wind on Earth and there always will be, with or without global warming.

Why are there so few wind farms?

Coal is still plentiful and some governments care more about making money than stopping global warming. Other states are slowly realizing that clean energy from wind farms and other renewable sources is the only possible power of the future.

Why might wind energy be good for New Zealand?

Because its free, renewable and doesn't contribute to global warming in any way (unlike fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)).

What factors contribute to global wind?

The shape of the earth, uneven heating, and rotating earth contribute to global winds.

Does solar power contribute to global warming?

In fact, the opposite is true.By using solar power, as well as wind power and geothermal power, we can generate electricity without burning fossil fuels. The less we burn fossil fuels, the more we slow down the effects of global warming.

Why do we need wind power?

We need wind power in our lives because it reduces global warming.

How is wind energy?

There are no dangerous carbon emissions to cause global warming

Why are wind farms being built?

Wind farms are being built because they can provide clean renewable energy. So once the initial costs have been paid for, the electricity is practically free. It is clean because wind power has no greenhouse gas emissions. Using wind power means we need less fossil fuelled power which is causing global warming and climate change.

How does wind energy help you save fossil fuels?

Global warming is a myth.

Does wind power cause global warming?

Nope, because the wind powered energy is kinetic, therefore there are no pollutants.