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Windmills have been shown to have some detrimental effects on the people who live near them. The main issues stem from the noise which is created by the windmills, which leads to loss of sleep and headaches. They have not been proven to be the direct cause of any health problems.

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Q: How do windmills effect the local people?
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Why does a windmill mean freedom?

Windmills can be used to pump water from a local river to the village where people live. Windmills can be used to generate electricity so people can see at night or keep warm in winter.

How do windmills effect the environment?

When they cut down forests to put up the windmills you lose all the oxygen generating from the trees and the windmills that produce wind energy can only be used in that community; also the trucks bring in the parts for the windmills pollutes the environment.

What is the physics behind windmills?

Windmills use the dynamo effect to create electricity (electrical generator) Dynamo is like a motor but backwards creating electricity instead of using it.

How does windmills effect Texas?

They effected Texas because it made making energy much easier.

What percent of people hate windmills?

100% of the people who have to live near them

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Dutch people and windmills

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Wells & windmills.

How do windmills help people?

they pump underground water to the surface

How do older windmills and new windmills differ?

older windmills make more energy than newer windmills

Did the invention of windmills have an effect on king ranch?

The ranch didn't have to rely on springs and other natural sources to water their cattle with, they just used windmills as a source of energy to pump water to stock tanks for their cattle to drink from.

Who uses windmills?

many people in the world do. that's all i know.