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I am sorry to hear that things didn't work out for you. Most men go to a lot of love and labor to find the right ring to resent to his girlfriend and if she refuses then it really hurts. Most women feel very badly about declining, and if she didn't give you a reason she should have. She is right not to keep the ring, and you should take it back to the store. I don't understand why your girlfriend would have any say in the matter as to tell you one way or the other when and if you should take the ring back for a refund. Sounds to me like she is considering taking the ring at a later date. Most jewelers are very understanding of this problem and you are not the first nor the last to go through such a tough time. If you don't want to do this, then keep the ring until you meet the right girl. As long as your girlfriend has not worn the ring it is still considered new and can be presented to another woman I am sure you will fall in love with. Don't be so sure your girlfriend won't accept the ring later. Perhaps it's just too soon for her to make this decision or perhaps you both are in college and have future plans or she is chasing a career. This doesn't mean she doesn't love you. I'd let her know loud and clear that you are taking the ring back for the refund. It really does sound to me she is playing coy and by telling you not to take it back for a refund she expects you to keep it and therefore she is quite comfortable in her own time frame to let you know in the future that she may want to get engaged. I think it's wrong, because it hurts you and I think you should force her hand by telling her you've made the decision to take the ring back for a refund because you simply want your money back. This will get her brain cells tinking! I know you are really hurt and want to chuck the ring into the nearest river, but please don't! Either return it to the jewelery store or keep it for future use. Good luck Marcy

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Q: How do women feel when a guy is so much in love with her and proposes with a ring and she turns him down but he and she has no desire to keep or return the ring for a refund he wants to throw it away?
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