

How do yaks react to other animals?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: How do yaks react to other animals?
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Do yaks poop?

all animals do! all animals do!

Are yaks ruminant animals?

Yes they are.

How do yaks survive the desert heat?

Yaks are primarily mountain or plateau animals and are designed to resist cold and are not really desert animals.

What values are to be inculcated about yaks in the hearts of human beings?

Yaks are animals with life, and as such, should be respected.

What animals eat yaks?

the tibetan wolf.

Is a yak a social?

Yaks are social animals, domestic Yaks form larger populations than the wild Yak

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Yes cats and yaks

How do yaks breathe?

Yaks and other mammals have lungs just like you do.

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depends if they can eat it

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