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Yellow jackets use their antennae to smell and taste things. Yellow jackets are one of several social insects that live and work in colonies.

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Q: How do yellow jackets smell and taste things?
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Smell is a large part of taste. If you can't smell, things will taste differently.

What does your nose have to do of how things tastes?

just smell it and it will give you a taste.

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they don't tend to SMELL they use their tongue to taste the air.

Can you taste without smell?

No, because 70-75 percent of taste comes from smell. Taste buds allow the perception of only bitter, salty, sweet and sour tastes. It is the odor (smell) molecules from food that give the most taste sensation. You might taste a little, but not enough. Yes, you can taste without smell. I was born with anosmia (no sense of smell) and I can taste things just as well as the next person.

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the sense of smell is more developed than taste because most of the nuance in taste actually comes from smell. you can only taste three things salt, bitter, and sweet. the rest is your sense of smell which provides a much greater variety.

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You can only taste 4 things (sugar, salt, acid, & base) everything else that you think you taste is actually a smell.

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What is smell and taste mean?

Smell and taste are 2 of the 5 senses we humans have: smell, taste, hear, sight, and feel. Guess what? You use your nose to smell and tongue to taste. Surprise, surprise.

Is taste really smell?

No, taste and smell are very related though

Does taste or smell develop first in a baby?

I guess smell. What is there to taste?