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You can only taste 4 things (sugar, salt, acid, & base)

everything else that you think you taste is actually a smell.

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Q: Why is sense of smell more important than the taste buds in detecting flavor?
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Does a lab or blood hound have a better sense of smell?

While many breeds have acute sense of smell the Blood Hound is one of the best. They are used for hunting, detecting drugs, etc.

What would result if your olfactory receptors were damaged?

Your sense of smell will be lost or diminished.

How does your sense of tast affect your sense of smell?

Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.

What is a pet rabbits best senses?

is their smell my dog can smell so good that it can find a rat 90 miles away

Which animal has the best sense of smell out of a killer whale and a dog?

The dog because it has high powered sensors for detecting smell.

Is nose least important sense organ?

No, to me the sense of smell is important. If the house was burning down and you in another room if you had no sense of smell you would have to go on your other senses to figure it out. If you didn't have a sense of smell how would you know if you stink, that would suck if your on a date and your date leaves you because you smell "rank." Your sense of taste seems less important to me, if you think about it living without taste isn't bad as you not being able to see, touch, hear, and smell. All in all you need your sense of smell to coexist in everyday life.

Is the sense of smell more important as a protective and a food-getting sense in sheep or in humans?

The sense of smell is the same for both humans and sheep. Sheep use their sense of smell to find food and to sense other sheep around them.

When you smell something what are you actually detecting?

we are detecting the spatial configuration of certain chemical functionalities.

When we smell something what are we actually detecting?

we are detecting the spatial configuration of certain chemical functionalities.

Flavor to taste as is to smell.?

Flavor is to tast as aroma or odor is to smell.

Where is a fly's nose?

A fly's nose is located on its head, between its eyes. It consists of two antenna-like structures called antennae, which are used for smelling and detecting food sources. The fly's sense of smell is important for finding food and mates.

How is the sense of smell useful to wolf?

The sense of smell is one of the most important sensory factors to a wolf. Wolves use their sense of smell to locate food, identify fellow wolves in their pack, and to know whose territory they are in. Using their sense of smell, wolves are able to survive harsh conditions and live for many years.