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Q: How do you Care for fresh black truffles?
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Do black truffles have seeds?

No, Black Truffles have spores. The spores are spread by boars and the larvae of the truffle fly.

Can you grow truffles?

It usually takes about 7 or 8 years for black perigold truffles to grow, and probably the white ones as well. it says on wikipedia that there an attempt to cultivate truffles in 1847, and in 1855 those truffles won a prize in the paris fair, so they must have grown to a sufficent size.

Where do truffles come from?

Truffles grow underground on or near the roots of trees and are valued as a delicacy.For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section indicated below.

How do black truffle fungi reproduce?

Black Truffles were thought to have been asexual but really they reproduce sexually.

What statement about truffles is correct?

The following statements about truffles are correct: Truffles are considered mushrooms. The country that produces the most truffles is France. Truffles are expensive and have a pungent taste.

How do black truffles get transported to Ontario?

Truffles (white and black) are flown over from Europe, where they are harvested and packaged for shipment. They are very expensive and much sought after by better restaurants, so they are hurried to the Americas via air shipment and immediately trucked to purchasers. See the related link below to the cost of truffles and you'll see why they're put on big aircraft and moved that way.

What rare fungi are found by snuffling a dog or a pig?

White truffles

Is truffles a wine?

No, truffles are either a dessert or a thing that European pigs find. Wine can be said to have the flavor of truffles.

Can you find truffles in Wisconsin?

Yes you can find truffles in Wisconsin.

How much truffles cost?

White truffles cost from about $1000 to over $2000 a pound, and black truffles cost from $300 to over $600 a pound. Those prices reflect American dollars and local (U.S.) delivery, as this is approximately what the better eateries have to pay to get them. You'll not be seeing them in the produce department of your neighborhood grocery store.

Are truffles pure chocolate?

Truffles are a fungus and are dug up by trained pigs or dogs

What do wild truffles look like growing out of the ground?

Truffles grow under the ground.