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Brutus's purpose was to control the crowd as was Anthony's. Brutus began his speech with a hostile crowd against him as a murderer of the popular Julius Caesar.

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Q: How do you Compare and contrast Antony's and Brutus' funeral speech?
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How does Antony repeatedly refer to brutus during the funeral oration?

During Caesar's funeral, Antony refers to Brutus as an honorable man. This is said sarcastically as Brutus was a traitor to Caesar.

Who speaks at caesars funeral?

Brutus and Antony.

What sentences is not a reason Brutus allows Antony to speak at Caesars funeral?

One reason Brutus allows Antony to speak at Caesar's funeral is to show the people of Rome that they have nothing to fear and to gain their trust. Another reason may be to uphold the appearance of honorable behavior and to maintain that the conspirators acted out of love for Rome. It also gives Brutus and the conspirators the opportunity to present their side of the story and justify their actions.

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Who gives Antony permission to speak at the funeral?

Brutus does.

What was the effect of brutus letting Antony speak at caesars funeral?

The crowd did react to Brutus and Anthony funeral speeches because they had much intellectual appeal.

What kind of appeals do Antony and Brutus use in their funeral speeches?

Brutus appeals to reason, Antony to emotion.

What did Brutus say to people at the funeral?

Brutus was not at the funeral (it would be kind of inappropriate for the killer to show-up). It was Mark Anthony who gave the funeral speech.

When does Brutus expect to deliver reasons for assassinating Caesar?

At the funeral. And he does deliver them at the funeral, but does not realize that the people are not in the mood for rationality at that point.

Who said Brutus is an honorable man?

Antony, in his funeral oration for Caesar, repeated the phrase, "Brutus said he (meaning Caesar) was ambitious and Brutus is an honorable man," in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

What does Brutus compare Caesar to?

a newly hatched serpent

Where can one find the words of the famous speech given by Brutus at Caesar's funeral?

You can find the words of the famous speech given by Brutus at Caesar's funeral online at Word Info. You can also find the speech in the book Julius Caesar.