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It really depends on the kind of box you are talking about. But with most any box you can cover it a couple of ways.

One way is to tear the paper into small pieces, about 1 to 2 inches in size, but in a random shape. Tear the paper, dont' cut it. Then start gluing the pieces of paper onto the outside of the box.

Use Mod Podge or watered down (1 part water to 3 parts glue) Elmer's glue. Cover the entired box with the papers then where there are areas of the box showing through, add more papers until all the box is covered.

A second way is to cut the paper to exactly fit each side of the box. It's best to cut it about 1/4 inch larger than the box side so you have a flap to fit around the corner. This makes the corners look neater and less likely to peel back with use.

Glue each piece of paper to each side of the box. If the box has a lid, glue paper on to the lid as well. Then cover the entire box with some sort of sealer like water based ployurethane or any alternative of that found in a craft store. Don't use Mod Podge as a sealer as it will make your box sticky.

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