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Q: How do you Find the age of a fossil in a layer of sedimentary rock between 2 igneous extrusions?
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What evidence would a scientists use to determine the absolute age of a fossil found in sedimentary rock?

The Igneous intrusions and extrusions near sedimentary layers.

How can the geologist determine the age of the fossil if the geologist finds a fossil in a layer of sedimentary rock that lies in between 2 igneous extrusions?

The geologist will most likely take samples of the two lavas forming the igneous intrusions and use radiometric dating techniques to find their ages. He then would know that the age of the sedimentary rock was somewhere between the two. He may also look for (index) fossils within the sedimentary rock which may also give him an indication of the age of the sediment.

Is igneous or sedimentary rock more likely to contain fossil?


Why are fossil found in sedimentary rocks and not in igneous rocks?

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What evidence would a scientist use to determine the absolute age of a fossil found in a sedimentary rock?

Uranium is the element that decays at a rate that relates to the sample. Uranium is the element that decays at a rate that relates to the sample.

Is a sedimentary rock a fossil?

A fossil is any record of an organism preserved in rock, whether it be igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic. Nearly all fossils are discovered in sedimentary rock.

What is the type of rocks which contain fossil fuels?

I think they're found in the fossils of dead animals or plants.

Do sedimentary rocks contain fossil?

yes fossils are found in sedimentary rocks but not in igneous and metamorphic rocks. hope this helps

Why did the mucrospirifer fossil only found in sedimentary rocks?

All fossils are found only in sedimentary rock. The heat and/or pressure involved in the formation of igneous or metamorphic rock would destroy the fossil.

How can you tell sedimentary rocks from others?

== == The age of a sedimentary rock formation can be estimated by comparing it to radiometrically dated rock formations that contain the same fossil organisms. Geologic time categories have been identified according to the radiometric dating of fossils and the fact that they appear only in certain time periods. Therefore, if you look at a rock formation and find a trilobite fossil that has been identified by previous dating techniques as Cambrian, you can be fairly certain that the formation you are looking at is also Cambrian.

What kind of rock do fossils form?

Sedimentary rock, its rarely found in metamorphic and never found in igneous rock because it would make the fossil of the animal worped and changed. It wouldn't be with the original form on metamorphic and igneous would destroy the whole fossil.

What is the difference between fossil rocks and non fossil rocks?

fossil rock has to be sedimentary, never igneous nor metamorphic, it contains dead very old plants, creatures any kind..... and that suggests a suitable environment for preservation; quick burial and no air existence also not a very high temperature to keep the shape of the fossil.