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Generally, as an unmarried mother you already have sole custody of your child under the law in every state. The father must establish his paternity in court in order to obtain shared custody and visitation rights. Until he does, you have sole legal custody.

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Q: How do you I file for sole custody of your son when you are not married to his father?
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If my son's biological father has not seen him talked to him or paid child support in 9 years can I file abandonment get sole custody and have his father's name removed from the Birth Cert?

If no orders are established and you were not married to him, you already have sole custody.

Do you have custody if children live with you?

Depends on the circumstances. If you are a single father, without court orders, the mother still has sole custody and control. If married, you have possession, however if you file for child support, you have a presumption of custody.

Your mother has full custody. Would your father have to consent for you to get married?

No. If your mother has sole legal custody she can consent to your getting married.

Is sole custody given to the mother by South Dakota law if she and the father were never married?

In 49 states the mother has sole custody and control.

What rights does a father have if the pregnant mother moves out of state?

Parents' and children's personal information is confidential (this includes the NCP). Yes if he has access rights. see links below depends on the situation. if you dont have joint legal custody then no, you have no right. however if you do then yes you have the right or if you have a visitation agreement that states that you are to pick up or drop off child at the CPs home then you have the right (and you also have to have the information)

If you were never married to your child's father and you have sole legal and physical custody who gets custody if you die?

The childs' father, married or not. Your relationship to the father is irrelevent. The father is the first on a long list of family members. Create a living will if that is not acceptable.

Who has legal custody of a minor child when parents never married in the state of co?

mother has sole custody even if living with father

Can a mother who has joint physical custody of her son pierce his ears without the consent of the father?

If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.If the father has legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has joint legal custody, no. Not without his consent. If she has sole legal custody, yes.

If the mother has sole physical custody and shares joint legal custody with the father the two never married if the mother dies does custody automatically go to the father?

It depends on the laws of the specific jurisdiction. In many cases, if the mother dies, custody would typically go to the father as the surviving parent with joint legal custody. However, the court may still need to officially grant custody to the father. It's essential to consult with a family law attorney to understand the specific laws and requirements in your area.

Can a father just take a baby from the mother if they were never married without establishing custody first in Missouri?

No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.No. The unmarried mother has sole custody until the father has established his paternity legally, in court and then requested (and obtained) joint custody and visitations.

How can my wife get custody over her son if the baby's farther and her were never married so she can move to California?

She has sole custody, but he can file an injunction. See link on what to offer

Would a mother have have full custody if her and her son's father were never married in Michigan?

Sole Custody until ruled on otherwise. The Glass Ceiling for fathers.