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You cannot compute the sum, difference, product or quotient of a single number. All these operations are binary operations which means they require two operands, which we'll call aand b.

In pseudocode, our program will be something like the following:

input a

input b

print "sum = "

print a + b

print "difference = "

print a - b

print "product = "

print a * b

print "quotient = "

print a / b

This could be implemented in C++ as follows:


int main (void) {

using namespace std;

double a, b;

cin >> a >> b;

cout << "Sum = " << a + b << endl;

cout << "Difference = " << a - b << endl;

cout << "Product = " << a * b << endl;

cout << "Quotient = " << a / b << endl;


This is as simple as it gets. A more robust program will take the input as a string and parse it accordingly, thus handling any input error more gracefully.

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Q: How do you Write a program that allows the user to input a number and compute for the sum difference product and quotient in simple way?
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What BASIC program can compute and display all prime numbers from 1 to 40?

PRINT 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37

Conversion of decimal to binary in fortran?

This is not a perfect program, but it will get you started in the right direction. Works for any INTEGER up to "some" power of 2 (decimals kill the program). PROGRAM binary IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER remainder, quotient, n, int_input, answer REAL input, dec_input WRITE(*,*) 'Input a number to convert to binary' READ(*,*) input int_input = input dec_input = input - int_input dec_input = abs(dec_input) quotient = abs(input) DO WHILE (dec_input==0) n = 0 answer = 0 DO WHILE (quotient&gt;1) remainder = mod(quotient,2) quotient = quotient/2 answer = answer+remainder*10.**n n = n+1 END DO IF (input&lt;0) answer = -answer answer = answer + quotient*10.**n WRITE(*,"(a,i31)") 'Your answer in binary is:',answer END DO END PROGRAM binary

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there is no solution of this problem...........that's it..........

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A program assistant has less responsibilities than a program specialist. The program specialist will do most of the work while the assistant either watches or helps sometimes.

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