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Q: How do you account for the abundant of quartz and shortage of feldspar in most soil?
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Which is the most abundant feldspar mica quartz calcite?

Feldspar is the most abundant mineral in the earth crust.

The two most abundant minerals always present in granite are?

Quartz, Plagioclase Feldspar, and Alkaline Feldspar.

Why is quartz abundant in soils?

Quartz is abundant in soils for three reasons. First, it is an abundant mineral to begin with. Second, it is hard and tough; it doesn't break up and crumble into smaller and smaller pieces very easily. Third, it's more resistant to water and weathering than most other minerals you'll find at the surface of the Earth. Consider granite. It contains quartz, feldspar, and mica. Water eventually degrades the feldspar and mica to clay minerals, but it leaves the quartz behind.

How do you account for the abundance of quartz?

The mineral quartz is abundant in sedimentary rocks because quartz is very durable and resistant to chemical weathering.

What does the German word Quarz mean?

Quartz comes from German Quarz. It is the second most abundant mineral in the Earth's continental crust, after feldspar.

What are the two most common silicate in the Earth's crust?

Quartz and feldspars are the most common silicate minerals of the crust.

How hard is orthoclase feldspar?

On the Mohs Scale of mineral hardness, feldspar is 6 and quartz is 7, so quartz is harder. What does this mean? quartz will scratch feldspar, but feldspar will not scratch quartz.

What is formed when Quartz and Feldspar are mixed together in nature?

Quartz and feldspar are commonly found together in granite and gneiss.

What mineral can scratch feldspar but not quartz?

There is no mineral that would satisfy the question. If a mineral is able to scratch feldspar, it would have a Mohs hardness of 6 or above. Fluorite is rated as a 4. It would be impossible for a mineral which scratches feldspar to be unable to scratch fluorite.

Which object can scratch feldspar but not quartz?

steel file 6.5

Is granite the same mineral as quartz?

The most abundant minerals in granite are potassium feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, and quartz; with differing amounts of muscovite, biotite, and hornblende-type amphiboles. The most abundant minerals in basalt are amphibole and pyroxene, sometimes plagioclase, feldspathoids, and/or olivine. In other words, no.

What is another name for quartz?
