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Q: How do you acquire Polish citizenship A good friend's grandparents are Polish Jews who gave birth to her father in a refugee camp in Germany just after WWII before immigrating to the USA. She has ap?
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How can a goreigner acquire chinese citizenship?

A foreigner can acquire Chinese citizenship through naturalisation.

How did St. Paul acquire Roman citizenship?

His father had Roman citizenship.

How can an Indian acquire foreign citizenship?

By betraying India.

Can you Join the US army if you acquire a US citizenship through naturalization?

How you acquire citizenship is irrelevant. You simply need to apply and pass the fitness, health and background tests.

How do you acquire Citizenship in INDIA by a Foreigner?

no you can not only if you are a citizen of india

When did puerto ricans acquire us citizanship?

Citizenship to the US? 1917 Before that they were Spanish subjects.

If a British subject living legally in the US takes American citizenship will he lose his Scots citizenship or will he acquire dual nationality?

He will become a dual citizen of the uK and the US.

Can you get the Hungarian nationality if you were born in Hungary from 2 foreigner parents?

No, Hungary practices citizenship by "jus sanguis" by blood. Not by land. You have to be born to Hungarian citizens to acquire citizenship.

Where can you apply for dual citizenship?

Dual Citizenship means you are a citizen of two countries at the same time. Not all countries allow this. If you acquire a new citizenship then you often have to give up the old one. The rules for acquiring citizenship vary greatly and are often complicated. They usually require you to be a legal resident of that country for a number of years, to speak the language, not to have a criminal record, and other restrictions. If you want to acquire a second citizenship, you will have to research how to become a citizen of that specific country.

who can be a citizen in Germany?

Prior to the reforms of 2000, only people born of at least one German parent with German citizenship, irregardless of birthplace, could receive German citizenship. After the reforms of 2000, people can acquire citizenship by birth (so long as one parent is either a permanent resident or someone who has resided in Germany for eight years). The right to citizenship by birth was also amended to exclude those born of German parents who were born outside of Germany after 31 December 1999. Exceptions to this rule are made if:The child would be stateless.The German parent registers the child's birth within one year of birth to the responsible German agency abroad.

Where can a person acquire a citizenship application?

Obtaining a citizenship application for most countries can be done online, you will have to download the forms, fill them out, and return them. Most applications for citizenship are handled by immigration, and will come with requirements to become a citizen of any other country.

Could your Hungarian wife acquire Filipino citizenship?

Government of the Phillipines does not allow dual citizenship. She must ask for a permission to retain Hungarian nationality at the ministry of foreign affairs or immigration in the Phillipines.