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Setting impossible demands may quicken reaching goals but can also cause failure with long lasting impact. Setting realistic targets and achievable timescales will allow for long term success.

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Q: How do you agree realistic targets and achievable timescales for own work?
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How do you negotiate realistic targets?

You have to agree to the same target and when you have agreed to that target you will have to think of the steps to get there. If you have a big target set you will have to think of the steps you need to reach that target. The tasks you need to get there must have to have a possibility to achieve, this is why the target must be realistic (able to get you to achieve) or your tasks will backfire.

What is the purpose and benefit of agreeing realistic targets for work?

The purpose of agreeing realistic targets for work is that it would make the company grow and reach its full potential, it allows myself to work without stress and fear of making yourself and others around lose their job. It helps to meet deadlines in work, if you was the person higher up or the main person in your job role from your colleagues it would be your responsibility to make sure that nothing goes wrong, so you must agree on targets set between everyone you work with.

Is realistic to expect twelve people to agree on any verdict why or why not?

Yes, it's done all the time and has been (in the US) for hundreds of years.

How do you agree realistic targets and why this is important?

Let's say you have a project and a deadline. You need to make sure that deadline is fair and be honest about how much work you can handle. When speaking to a senior employee you will gain respect by being straight about how much you can do. If you set too easy a target for yourself you won't be pushed to improve yourself and it will be clear to your senior employee or your employer. If you make it impossible to reach they will be unimpressed by your inability to work out how long you need and missing the deadline. Setting targets is part of planning so the more accurately you can stick a plan usually the more likely you are to succeed.

How do you evaluate a schools mission and vision?

You need to answer a few questions about them. For example: Are they (mission & vision) high and altruistic, or are they modest and pragmatic? Are they practical? Are they achievable? Does the school actually live up to them, or are they window dressing? Do you agree with them, or not? Can you see yourself or your child learning within this framework?

What is realistic drama and to what extent do you agree that iben's A Doll's House is one such of realistic dramas?

Ibsen's A Doll's House is a realistic drama because it includes the elements of social criticism and relatable aspects of human life. Realistic Drama is a kind of drama that focuses on the "real" excluding fantasies and exaggerated events or emotions. Most of the subject in realistic dramas are things people can see in their everyday lives. Ibsen's A dolls House Is a perfect example of a realistic drama because of the setting, the characters, and the very real environment in which the plot progresses. Using the characterization of Nora, Ibsen brings out the importance of women's roles in society, and how there was a difference between the sexes during the time in which this drama was written. Freedom, emancipation , and truthfulness are also aspect of realistic drama focussed on in this drama. Hope this helps

What values did renaissance humanists and artists agree?

The both valued the naturalness of the word and celebrate beauty of the human body. For example, Renaissance paintings show a S-shape stand because it portrait a more realistic representation of the human form.

What is verb for agree?

The verb for agree is "to agree."

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Lobbying groups change their pitches to accommodate the different interests of their target. For example, the Pro-Israel lobby targets US Republicans by appealing to the military and strategic benefits of maintaining an alliance with Israel and the Pro-Israel lobby targets US Democrats by appealing to their desire for human rights, democracy, and technological innovation.

Which is correct i am agree with you or i agree with you?

"I agree with you."

I am agree or I agree with you?

i am agreed or i agree

When are missions and visions most effective?

Mission statements and vision statements are most effective when they are stated clearly, they are realistic, they are consistently communicated in such a way that workers understand and agree with the statements, and when leadership actions demonstrate that those leaders take the mission and vision seriously.