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Q: How do you answer Please tell us about a recent situation where you took the initiative and made something happen?
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The irony of situation occurs when there is a discrepancy between what is expected to happen and what actually happens in a particular situation. It often involves a twist or unexpected outcome that highlights the contradiction between what is anticipated and what transpires. This literary device adds depth and complexity to a narrative by challenging the reader's expectations.

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a situation in which you think that something good will happen, but it does not

What does it mean when you stall and you actually see something that is going to happen?

A premonition is when you get this really strong feeling something , usualy something not so good is about to happen. Y ou may also dream of this situation and then it happen right in front of you. It is possible during a premonition you may feel or see the situation unfolding just before it happens.

What is being Proactive?

controlling a situation by causing something to happen rather than waiting to respond to it after it happens

What happen when we take a risk while driving?

We Let Someone or something else take control of the situation

Proactive in a sentence?

Proactive means that someone controls a situation by causing something to happen instead of letting something else happen. A good sentence would be, be proactive and study for the test tonight.

Should kassie let mom handle this situation?

yes she should. if she doesnt let her handle it something bad is gonna happen.

What is the difference between happen and happening?

"Happen" is a verb that refers to the occurrence of an event or situation, while "happening" is a noun that describes an event, situation, or occurrence. So, something can happen, but for it to be a happening, it must be an event or occurrence that is currently taking place.

How do you stop a girl snitching about you at work?

Tell you know you did something inappropiate and ask her please not to tell, it won't happen again.Promise.

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If u eat dog food or anything that has dog saliva on then something will happen to u I don't know what do u Please answer if u do

What will happen if a flood comes?

I seem to have miss something you say a FLOOD but you do not say where. It will make a difference. Please tell location or general area.

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Usually, probability is the chance that something will happen; but it can be will not happen as well.