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Okay, so this person has asked you, "¿A qué hora es?"

You respond by saying "It is nine 'o clock" for example.

The "it is" part will be "Son." In Spanish, they don't use "'o clock," but they do put "the" in front of the time. Here we need to say "las" because nine is more than one so you need the plural the. By the way, time is feminine so your choices are "la" or "las."

Son las nueve = It's nine 'o clock.

Es la una = It's one o' clock.


y cuarto (and a quarter) if it's a quarter past

y media (and a half) if it's half past

menos cuarto (minus a quarter) if it's a quarter til the hour


por la mañana (in the morning)

por la tarde (in the afternoon)

por la noche (at night)

To put all of these together, let's respond by saying

"It's eight thirty at night" In Spanish, that would be: "Son las ocho y media por la noche."

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13y ago

You say the current time of day, as close to the minute as possible. But unlike English, in Spanish they differentiate between one, single, hour of the clock... and two. We say, It's one o'clock. In Spanish they say, "Es la una." We say, "It's two o'clock." In Spanish they say, "Son las dos." That is, they effectively say, "They are two [o'clock]." They say "they are" for every hour except one o'clock, for which they say, "It is" (It's). The simple rule is: "Esla una; son las dos."

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11y ago

The question means 'At what time is the Spanish class?'

You could simply reply: 'At 1/2/3/4/5 etc. o'clock':-

'A la una (en punto)' - 'At one (o'clock)'

'A las dos/tres/cuatro/cinco (en punto)' - 'At 2/3/4/5 etc. (o'clock)'.

You could add: 'Es....' (It's....) before any of the above

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13y ago

It means "What time is the class?" your answer would be "La clase es a las...."

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