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well if your younger than sixteen lie

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Q: How do you answer are you 18 and not yet over 21?
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What are equivalent fractions of 18 over 21?


What is 18 over 21 in lowest terms?

18 over 21 in lowest terms is 6/7

What is 18 over 21?

21/18 = 7/6 ~ 1.1666...7

What is 21 over 18 in simplest form?

21/18 simplified would be 7/6

Which factor is greater 13 over 18 or 16 over 21?

16 over 21

How do you simplify 18 over 21?

It is: 21/18 = 7/6 by dividing the numerator and denominator by their HCF which is 3

What is 18 over 21 times 15?

18/21 x 15 is 12 6/7

Is 13 over 18 and 16 over 21 equal?


What is the simplest form of 18 over 21?

Hello there the answer to 18 over 21 or 18/21 is 6/7 or 6 over 7 . if you do not believe me check on your own . if you know your multiplication you would know that 18 and 21 have 3 in common so you multiply 18 and 21 times 3 and you get 6/7 . HOPE My answer helped you out ! Peace and deuces love you all . - Valentina Marilyn Tavares

What is 14 over 21 times 15 over 18?

14/21 * 15/18 = 2/3 * 5/6 = 5/9

4 over 7 plus 18 over 21?

4/7 + 18/21 = 210/147 or 10/7 or 13/7

Can the fraction 21 over 54 be simplified?

Yes. 21 over 54 can be simplfied to 7/18