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If you are referring to written discovery, you can simply handwrite or type the answer to the particular question either on the document you received. If there's not enough space, create a document with the case caption, and make sure that the title reflects it's your answers to the interrogatories. Then, reprint the interrogatories, and below that, your answers. If you're asking how to answer questions at a deposition (a deposition is a form of discovery), you have to listen to the question carefully, and only answer what's being asked (if you know the answer, of course).

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Q: How do you answer lawsuit discovery questions?
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Does discovery involve only the formal exchange of information between the two sides in a lawsuit?

Believe me. . . in a lawsuit "formal" is the ONLY type of exchange that takes place during discovery.

What happens if a Plaintiff of a Lawsuit refuses a motion for discovery?

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What occurs during the discovery process in a lawsuit?

The Discovery process in any court is where the two sides present to each other their evidence before trial

What are the four major tools for discovery in a civil lawsuit?

Interrogatories, Requests for admissions, production of documents & depostions

What is desposition?

A deposition is a tool in the discovery process, where one party to a lawsuit interviews a witness about their testimony, and it is recorded.

What is a civil case document contains a list of questions and must be answered in writing?

Discovery in a credit card lawsuit involves obtaining documents and other evidence from the opposing party. The rules of civil procedure govern discovery in all types of lawsuits. Each state maintains rules of civil procedure. Although there are some minor differences, generally the provisions in these rules are the same from one jurisdiction to another. Pursuing a motion for discovery in a civil credit card lawsuit is a process that actually commences before preparing such a pleading (court document requesting an order from the judge).

What is the Statutes of Limitations to file a burn injury lawsuit in Michigan?

The statute of limitations to file a burn injury lawsuit in Michigan is the same as for other personal injury cases: Three years with the discovery rule.

What question did the discovery of the replication mechanism of DNA answer?

The discovery of the replication mechanism of DNA answered questions about evolution

How long does one have to file a injury lawsuit?

That depends on the laws in your jurisdiction. It can vary from 2 years to several years after discovery.

In NJ can you ask the attorney representing the creditor who is suing you to show you proof that it is your debt?

Every state allows pretrial discovery in lawsuits. You can pose questions about the allegations of the lawsuit, demand production of documents and tax depositions of witnesses. The exact procedures and forms vary by state.

After the discovery period is over in a lawsuit can opposing council ask for more medical records if they think they found something in the initial discovery period?

They can make a motion to that effect to the judge and request the 'new' information, but usually when the discovery period is over, it is over. Anything learned, discovered, or uncovered after that, becomes a new motion.