

How do you answer the GEMDAS?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: How do you answer the GEMDAS?
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What is the meaning of the given letters of GEMDAS?

GEMDAS- grouping,exponent, multiplication,divission,addition,subtraction

What is the meaning of the given letters GEMDAS?

GEMDAS stands for Given,Equation,Multiplication Division,Addition,and Subtraction

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What is GEMDAS?

It is an abbreviation for the order of operations:G= groupingE= exponentiationM= multiplicationD= divisionA= AdditionS= subtraction

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2 x 3 + 2 x 5 - 2 6 + 10 - 2 16 - 2 14 :> like that !

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The Answer Is: 1+(6x2/3)-4 1+12/3-4 1+4-4 5-4 =1

What does gemdas stand for in math?

Grouping Symbols, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction

What is the rules of GEMDAS?

GEMDAS is an order of operation which means Grouping symbols, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition and Subtraction.Do the operations from left to right.Example:15 - 2 x (3 +4) + 23 + 4 x 3 divided by 2do the parentheses first: 15 - 2 x 7 + 23 + 4 x 3 divided by 2then the exponent. 15 - 2 x 7 + 8 + 4 x 3 divided by 2then multiplication: 15 - 14 + 8 + 12 divided by 2then division: 15 - 14 + 8 + 6then addition and subtraction: 1 + 8 + 6Answer: 15

How to solve this 6(2 + 1)?

Okay so to solve this expression you use Pemdas or Gemdas it doesn't matter they're both the same thing. The first step in Pemdas is Parenthesis so you do 6×2 which is 12 then you do 6×1 which is 6 and since there is a addition sign you add 12+6 which gets you a sum of 18 So your answer will be 18