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Q: How do you ask a girl out and she sits next to you in class?
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Does this girl have a crush on me. She always sits next to me in the class we're in. We rarely talk to each other and I'm not sure if she does or not if my mind is playing tricks on me?

Yeah, sounds like it, if you like her ask her out.

If a girl sits right next yo you in a class how can you tell if she likes you?

That depends on the girl. If she is a preppy or sporty type than she'll be extra flirty and smile alot. If she is not then you just kinda have to ask. Pass notes is a good way to find out!!

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You have to ask the provider about the next CNA class

This boy you know sits next to me in class and stares me in the eyes I laugh and tell him to stop but he still persistingly does and smirks why is that?

He likes you, ask him out or he won't stop! Trust me on this one!

How do you get a girl in your class number?

Ask her

I like this girl what will make her like me?

Well, I'm a girl and I would like a guy to ask to be my partner in class or sit next to me. Or maybe just start a conversation with me.

What if a girl sits with you on the bus everyday does that mean she likes you?

ask her out she hot???

If a girl you sit next to in class and she stares at you and when you look at her she gives you a friendly smile what does this mean?

Well, being a girl, I would think it means she likes you. If you like her too, ask her out!

How do you choose who to marry?

I have a boy in my class. I am crazy about him..but everyone in my class thinks so too! It's embarrasing because I sit next to him in class..but he just won't ask me out!! It's harder than you may think ppls! Love, Lonely Girl I have a boy in my class. I am crazy about him..but everyone in my class thinks so too! It's embarrasing because I sit next to him in class..but he just won't ask me out!! It's harder than you may think ppls! Love, Lonely Girl

How can you get a girl to sit next to you at the movies in 6th grade?

ask her to, or ask if you can sit next to her.

Should I ask out a girl in my class?


How do you ask out a guy you like and can sit next to in band but your friend always sits next to you and the other trombone player always sits by you?

ask your friend to do you a favor and sit somewhere else just for the day so you can sit by your guy. then when the timing is perfect, pop the question on him!