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your mom doesnt know you have a boyfriend?

lets say ur bf's name is john for this scenerio.

just get ur mum alone and say "can i go [insert wherever date is here] with john tonite?"

she will prob question you about who john is, and just say he's a friend. girls are allowed 2 have friends that are guys.

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12y ago
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12y ago

Nicely ask her. If she says no, just try to win her over, do your chores, help around, & be extra nice! (:

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13y ago

you have to sit down with your mum and boy friend and discuss it calmly with a mature and reasonable attitude

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12y ago

obviously you know your mom better than I do, but I assume you're at an age where you can just straight out ask her if you can go to (insert name here)'s house without causing any problems.

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