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you first type the password.then put the flash drive in

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Q: How do you back up cj's thumb drive?
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How do you back up the thumb drive in cjs bathroom?

I think your supposed to flush the thumb drive down the toilet after you've copied the thing on it to her computer. Hope that helps! Poptropica rocks!

How do you back up the drive on shrink ray island on poptropica?

login then insert the thumb drive and done!

What do you do if your it says to back up your data on shrinkray poptropica?

go to her laptop and click use on the thumb drive

How do you flush the thumb drive for my person says flush long over due?

you first have to back up its memorie on to the computer

How do you back up the data on the thumb drive and you already typed the password to see her email poptropica?

then poptropica isn't working properly

How do you get a backup flash drive for shrink ray island?

You don't. Before you flush the thumb drive, you back up the shrink ray plans onto CJ's computer, which unlike the drive is protected by her password.

What does 256MB on a thumb drive mean?

It means that the thumb drive houses a total memory of 256MegaBytes. However, don't be fooled into thinking you can put 256MB of information on it. The drive takes up some of the memory for software that it uses to "know what do" as a thumb drive.

How do you back up the data before distroying the thumb drive on poptropica?

put in the password on CJ's computer and down load the blue prints.

How do you back it up on shrink ray island?

You need to figure out Cj's password which is m4r13cur13 and then use the thumb drive and the blue prints will save on Cj's laptop.

How do you get the thumb drive on shrink ray island?

The thumb drive, a portable data device, is under CJ's bed. Jump on top of the fan to lower it, and turn it on. This will reveal the thumb drive in the "dust bunnies" under the bed. *Once you get the drive, getting back to the telescope or the Poptropica balloon means crossing the bed. Go right to the computer desk and climb up on the wall thermostat. Turn it into the red zone. Then go back to the bed and knock over the wastebasket there. You can climb on the papers that are blown into the air by the vent.

How do you let the drive know to slow down or speed upin water skiing?

Thumb up for faster Thumb down for slower

What do you do with the blow dryer on shrink ray island?

Jump on the back of it and point it up as far as possible. Then press the red button and ride on the air flow, up over the shower curtain into the tub. (You are going there to flush the thumb drive, but you have to back it up on the computer first.)