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To become an FBI informant one has to have a relationship with agents. Informants are usually picked by agents who believe they have useful and important information.

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Q: How do you become an FBI informant?
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Has anyone seen the new Matt Damon movie The Informant in which he plays Mark Whitacre the former Archer Daniels Midland executive who became an FBI informant?

No I haven't. But to answer your question: Yes someone has.

On Sopranos what is the name of Christopher Moltisantis first fiance?

Adriana La Cerva, she was killed for being an FBI informant, by Silvio Dante.

What country were the 19 highjackers from?

15 of the hijackers were Saudi Arabian. The rest were from Lebanon, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. 9 are actually still alive. 6 were former US military. 2 are noted as living with an FBI member while in the US. CBS - Hijackers Lived With FBI Informant - Sept. 9, 2002 Two of the Sept. 11 hijackers who lived in San Diego in 2000 rented a room from a man who reportedly worked as an undercover FBI informant....the FBI informant prayed with them and even helped one open a bank account.

What are the qualifications to become a FBI?

to become a FBI you must have years of experience of cop duty

What did mark felt do to uncover Watergate?

Former FBI assistant director Mark Felt was "Deep Throat" a confidential informant who fed information to Woodward & Bernstein.

What is the singular possessive of informant?

The singular possessive of informant is informant's.

Can you become an FBI with a felony conviction?


How much FBI get money they earning?

If you become work like FBI will earnings $48,890

What is an informant called in Cuba?

An informant.

What is the singular possessive informant?

The singular possessive form of "informant" is "informant's," used to show ownership or relationship of a single informant to something else.

Which American president was a former director of the FBI?

No FBI Director has ever become the US President, nor has any FBI Special Agent become the US President. President Nixon applied to become a Special Agent but was not accepted for this position.