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Easy, just start to talk with them a little bit at a time, and then they talk to you

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Q: How do you become friends with guys?
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How do you feel comfortable around guys?

Become friends with tons of guys.

What happens when you dream about a person you know but you guys are not friends?

You will become friends later on in your lives

How do guys fall in love with girls?

Just flirt and become best friends with the guy.

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yes because its nice to have lots of guy friends cause you get a guys perspective on things and you become an expert on guys know all about them

How do you know if she is your type?

you have to get to know her first and see if you guys get along. it is ALWAYS better to be friends first! if you guys become close friends and you end up liking almost everything about her, then you know that she's your type!

What to do when you become friends with a guys then act like hes not here?

Don't Act like that! You aren't going to be friends for long then! And if u like him some guys wont think you're playing hard to get

How do i make friends with guys without making them think i want to be their girlfriend?

saying hi, doing class work, or something, any interaction will give you the chance to become friends with them. you could also start and become friends with some of your friends friends. (if that made any sense.)

What do you do when you like two guys?

if you like two guys then hang out with them both and become friends. whichever one is more friendly and nice then hes probably your guy.

Would guys usually get back with you if you make yourself better looking and become friends with a lot more guys?

Hell yes! Guys only want sex and if you look sexy then he'll want you.

How do you become friends with a popular guy?

Try finding things in common, & find a good excuse to talk to him. Just don't act shy cause then he'll know somethings up. Have confidence and then you guys will become friends.

How do you talk to a girl that is way more popular than you?

Become friends with her friends, girls talk about guys so if her friends like you a friend she'll like you as a friend and maybe it'll go somewhere from there.

What should you do when you have a crush on a super hot waiter?

You should get to know the waiter but check his age first then once you know his age flirt a little and then maybe you guys could be friends and then reach a level that you guys become more then friends.<3 GoodLuck(;